Bouquet “The little prince”


Bouquet “The little prince” consists of a bouquet with 11 white roses with light blue baby breath.

The length of the roses varies according to the version chosen, from 40 cm in the basic version to 60/80 cm in the deluxe version.
The white rose is linked to pure and delicate loving feelings such as the birth of a new life; the color, in fact, refers to the candor of an indissoluble love.



Bouquet “The little prince” consists of a bouquet with 11 white roses with light blue baby breath.

The length of the roses varies according to the version chosen, from 40 cm in the basic version to 60/80 cm in the deluxe version.
The white rose is linked to pure and delicate loving feelings such as the birth of a new life; the color, in fact, refers to the candor of an indissoluble love.


  • The picture shows the special version of the product.
  • The delivery is always free and it is carried out by our florists and/or confectioners.


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